"Myths" About We Are Not In Control May Actually Be Right

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The following article explains how the government wants to control your life—everything you do, where you go, what you say, and even what you think.
We have no control over anything online except where we stand. If you look deeply into the control society and have the eye to see the problem that is dragging down the entire nation of people, you will have a better understanding of this article. I share with you my real life experience of what I am facing right here in the United States. https://allmylinks.com/styafiya
In America I know for a fact that I am not the only person under this type of attack.
We are not in control of nothing. I'm sick of being manipulated by the government and the media to feel bad about myself and be afraid of the future. We should do what we feel is right, and if that means getting regulated, then so be it. Let me tell you a little story about the truth. I started my online business in 2009 because I was looking for a way to make money to help my family pay my bills. I started my website and also used Google blog and other platforms to do marketing. I signed up for an Amazon affiliate account. I realized all I needed to let it work for me was target internet traffic. I was successful at getting some of the blog posts converted into sales, but I did not receive the income. Believe me, all of it disappeared. What was so strange for me was all the income in my Amazon account rewind. This happened with some of my Google accounts and others. If you stop reading this article, take a time out and google me. Styafiya, or Deal-figure entertainment, Take a good look on my Facebook page. You will see that I create more than a hundred videos and a lot more. Check the posts. I share all the views for them to rewind. I learn that one side of the law redos most of what I created and put a stop to all my accounts. https://www.broadjam.com/styafiya
Everyone who does business online should be aware of what is going on: the system gives government orders to steal people's income, and I believe this is happening globally.all our technological devices.
All entrepreneurs take on greater than normal financial risks in order to make change
Every one of you is a home government listening to your thoughts. They know all your bank information and passwords to all your online accounts. All things are controlled by one group of people who are able to make us think we have power when we have none. https://dealfigureentertainment.co.network
I know they know i stand up for my rights. I noticed they cut all my flow of cash that was going to ageists
According to my understanding of the Amendments, the right financial laws for the people. I am not a fan of the current run of governments and the dishonest and fraudulent acts they do. I also believe that, in the end, it is not what is done but the way it is done that is important. We can only hope that our governments are honest and that they do not do anything dishonest.


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